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Thursday 26 July 2018

Earth Shaker Plus - Dear Cholera /Poem

Friendly letter

Dear Cholera

I think it’s time to park and go
Thanks that you stopped by
Look what you have done
You have made Lusaka city clean
Atleast we can’t go to school
And people they are now hygienic
But sorry I have to say this
You have killed many  (58)
People who were fathers or mothers
But now their children’s will be orphans’
I can’t enjoy  tape water anymore
I can’t even go to school and be with my  Friends
Just because of you
I can’t eat my dodo anymore
Every person am next to is a victim
Please am out of ink
I will write to you again
Just to make sure that you are gone
For now
Just pack and go

                            Yours faithfully

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