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Sunday 5 August 2018

He is still alive - Spoken words

Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise
He who raised Lazarus from the died.
He is still alive
Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise
He who walked on water, breaking the law of physics (force of gravity)
He is still alive
Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise
He who fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.
He is still alive
Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise.
He who made dry bones to live again
He is still alive.
Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise
Praise him for his grace is sufficient
He who made the blind man to see.
He is still alive
Praise the Almighty God
For he deserves the Praise
He who healed a person with leprosy
He is still alive.

- Earth shaker plus

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