Dear fellow Christians
Wishing you a happy new year
For every finish line is the beginning of a new journey.
I believe we all have enjoyed the sweet fellowship of the holy sprit.
It is only sad that many of us are dreamers
And never become doers
We had 2000 and 16, 17, 18
And we have 19
The new years come, the old year's go.
Ask yourself this question how many years have come and go
And never achieved what you wanted to achieve.
Maybe let me tell you why.
Because a new year is only a statement.
No deadlines, No backup plans
But only a day to reflect on the past years.
Am sorry to say this
But I don't believe that a new year can bring a new change in life
So if you want to change make it today.
Take the first step do something outrageous
The act of doing will become quite contagious.
Keep your eyes open and beware of dogs around you,
let God be your guide.
Put on the full hammer of God.
Because life is full of flights
In this journey you may face many difficults
But just remember that God is always with you.
For he said that
It will never be easy
But he said that it will be possible
Thank you!
Thank you!
Perfect worship song it just brings down the anointing